Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Vacation With A Vampire-Michele Hauf, Lisa Childs, Kendra Leigh Castle

Vacation With A Vampire

Michele Hauf, Lisa Childs, Kendra Leigh Castle

Harlequin Nocturne, June 19 2012, $5.50

ISBN: 9780373885497

“Stay” by Michele Hauf. In Paris, after helping a friend by donating vampire blood Lucian Bellisario needs a human to replenish his drained supply. He chooses an American tourist possessed by his dead lover’s ghost.

“Vivi and the Vampire” by Leigh Castle. Underground city Terra Noctem vampire King Justin goes on vacation so his staff can have a respite. There he meets and falls in love with vampire slayer Vivi Martin.

“Island Vacation,” by Lisa Childs. For four years CPA Patricia Reynolds has had no time off from E. Graves Financial Planning, but recently she won her office vacation lottery so is off to an unknown island for two weeks of regaining her tan. Roarke Monterusso has waited four years to avenge the death of his cousin Rick at the hands of Piper aka Patricia, but now she is coming to his island where he will confront her with his brand of justice; he just never expected it to be desire.

These are three fun vampiric romances starring engaging protagonists.

Harriet Klausner

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