Monday, November 12, 2012

Jail Coach-Hillary Bell Locke

Jail Coach

Hillary Bell Locke

Poisoned Pen, Dec 4 2012, $24.95

ISBN 9781464200267

New Paradigm Studio’s Performing Artist took out a multi-million dollar insurance policy with Trans/Oxana insurance on Hollywood A level actor Kent Trowbridge after their star banged up his Ferrari while the cops busted him for DUI. Trans/Oxana assigns “loss prevention specialist” Jay Davidovich to protect the firm from paying millions by keeping the bad boy out of trouble while he serves time.

Jay knows how difficult this task will prove; as besides jail time for the DUI, Trowbridge also faces assault charges. He hires ex-marine Katrina Starr Thompson (and her toddler) as a jail coach to mentor Trowbridge on surviving prison. However, Jay also must keep his client safe as Trowbridge goes on a final publicity tour; Stan Chaladian has other plans for the farewell appearance.

The first Jay Davidovich loss prevention assignment is an amusing action-packed thriller starring a combat veteran who will do what it takes to complete the assignment. Trowbridge is a delightful pampered counterpart to the hero while Katrina and Chaladian add depth to the exciting opening act as readers will take over and under bets on how much time the actor spends behind bars.

Harriet Klausner

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