Friday, June 24, 2011

Deadly Cove-Brendan DuBois

Deadly Cove
Brendan DuBois
Minotaur, Jul 5 2011, $24.99
ISBN: 9780312566340

Following on the heels of the Kursk nuclear power plant in East Europe, the owners of Falconer nuclear power station on coastal New Hampshire announce they will begin construction on unit 2. Thousands of anti nuclear energy protesters gather near the Falconer nuclear power station. Covering the demonstrations are various media including Shoreline reporter Lewis Cole who used to work as a research analyst for the Department of Defense. Someone shoots and kills the “face” of the demonstrators, local activist Bronson Toles.

Having learned the truth about his employment as a monthly columnist by the new bottom line editor affirming his distrust of government officials, Cole assumes a cover-up will occur. He investigates starting with a look into the life of Curt Chesuk who heads both the Nuclear Freedom Front and the pro-nuclear New England Trade Union Council. Cole also takes a deep look at the victim’s family and other famous anti nuke protestors. As the demonstrations intensify in honor of Toles, Cole meets with Chesuk; unaware of the danger he places himself and his best friend Police Detective Sergeant Diane Woods in.

This is a great timely Cole investigative tale that grips readers from the moment Toles is assassinated and never slows with a cliffhanger that has excited readers waiting for round two wondering how Brendan DuBois will sustain the quality level. The story line is fast-paced but belongs to the hero who is pulled in two directions by a killer threatening the people he cares about if he fails to end his inquiry. Mr. DuBois is at his best, which says a lot as the Lewis Cole mysteries (see Primary Storm and Twilight) are consistently excellent.

Harriet Klausner

1 comment:

James Aach said...

If you would like a thriller actually about a nuclear power plant, I would cleverly suggest my own:

“Rad Decision: A Novel of Nuclear Power” gives an insider's view of the US nuclear industry and includes an event very similar to Fukushima. (Same reactor type, same initial problem.) The novel is free online at the moment at . (No adverts, nobody makes $$$ off this site.) Paperback at Amazon. Reader reviews at the homepage and Amazon say the book is an excellent source of perspective for the lay person. Few understand how atomic power works day to day -- including most scientists, academics and journalists. The author has been working at nuke plants for 25 years.

“I got to about page four and I was hooked, I couldn’t put it down… It was very easy to read." -- DAVID LEVY, noted science author and comet discoverer.

VICKY commented at the homepage: "Thanks for making this available online…. Your novel explains the workings of a nuclear plant, so that a layperson can understand. A very suspenseful read!"