Friday, April 17, 2009

The Sword and the Pen-Elysa Hendricks

The Sword and the Pen
Elysa Hendricks
Love Spell, May 2009, $6.99
ISBN: 9780505528179

Author Brandon Davis knew he was out of ideas for his popular sword and sorcery saga Warrior Woman after ten novels. His plan is to kill off his heroine Serilda D’Lar; thus ending the series. Beyond that he has no idea what next except taking time off from writing so he can live life again.

However, as he nears finishing the end, standing in a skimpy fantasist’s unreal outfit is a Serilda look alike; as he envisioned her in his imagination. She claims to be Serilda and he is the wizard who summoned her from her world to complete a quest. Brandon assumes either he or she is crazy, but Brandon refuses to let her leave as she has awakened his life. When she manages to go home, Brandon vows to follow her to bring his beloved home.

Though the concept of a fictional character coming to life has been done before and recently cleverly twisted in the Thompson-Ferrell movie Stranger than Life, Elysa Hendricks refreshes it with her lead pairing. Serilda understands what is going on by simply believing writer Brandon is a powerful wizard; Brandon believes that one or both is crazy. Told mostly in a first person viewpoint from the lead couple, fans will enjoy this super romantic fantasy as the heroine knows the pen is mightier than the sword but the hero believes the heart is mightier than THE SWORD AND THE PEN.
Harriet Klausner

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