Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Unraveled -Maggie Sefton

Maggie Sefton
Berkley, Jun 7 2011, $24.95
ISBN 9780425241141

In Fort Collins, Colorado, financial consultant Kelly Flynn breaks up with her boyfriend Steve Townsend. Heartbroken that her long time relationship ended, she turns to her House of Lambspun knitting friends for solace. Realtor Jennifer Stroud invites Kelly to meet her new client, Fred Turner, which she agrees to do.

The females travel to Fred's cabin on his ranch. There they find him lying on his floor dead; near his body is an antique pistol. Although the initial inclination is suicide, the police determine a homicide occurred. Apparently Fred had many people with a variety of motives to want him dead. Meanwhile Kelly investigates the ownership history of the weapon to prove one of her clients with a grudge towards the victim is innocent.

This Lambspun knitting amateur sleuth mystery (see Dropped Dead Stitch and Skein of the Crime) is a wonderful whodunit with a fabulous final twist. The cast is terrific and brings plausibility to the investigation although that is two edged as their early chatter keeps the story line from accelerating. Once the plot shifts into first gear (after a few chapters), Unraveled never looks back until the stunning climax.

Harriet Klausner

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