Monday, August 16, 2010

Forbidden-Christina Phillips

Christina Phillips
Heat, Sep 7 2010, $15.00
ISBN: 9780425238080

They became lovers even before they formally met as Carys the Druid high priestess watched Tiberius Valerius Maximus the centurion leader bathe though she knew real lovemaking between them would be forbidden. When the pair meets in person, they relish their lovemaking that she knows is better than her fantasy, but both know nothing can come of it so each enjoys the moment.

When Carys and Tiberius realize they are in love, neither knows how to make it permanent as their relationship is taboo. However, though they part insisting this time is the last time, fate intervenes to constantly bring the Roman charged by the Emperor to destroy her clan and the Celts time after time together. Each wonders if they are meant to be. However they are trapped in the crosshairs of a deadly war that could devastate all of Cambria. Her acrimonious former lover High Druid Aeron dy Ehangwen vows to kill Carys’ barbarian lover, the rest of the Roman invaders and their clan’s perfidious princess sleeping with the enemy even at the cost of the people.

Set in the time of Caesar, Forbidden is a fabulous erotic ancient historical romance as the two adversaries fall in love. She fears the Eagle of Roman will destroy her beloved culture as Rome assimilates them before superseding the local heritage. With a sense of time and place, fans will enjoy the taboo romance between the Druid and the Centurion.

Harriet Klausner

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