Thursday, March 12, 2009

Trust Me-Peter Leonard

Trust Me
Peter Leonard
Minotaur, Mar 31 2009, $24.95
ISBN: 9780312379032

In Detroit Karen Delaney gave $300,000 to her boyfriend Samir Fakir, who runs a book joint. However, when she ends their relationship, he refuses to give her back her money. Upset, she has no way of regaining her cash.

Several months later, Bobby and Lloyd break into Karen’s house planning to rob the place. Instead she catches the bumbling pair and offers them a deal. She will give them a share of the loot if they rob Samir’s safe. Though the plan does not go as smooth as Karen’s silky skin, they succeed with the theft. However, several people are interested in the stolen cash. An ex cop who plans to retire on the money; Samir’s nephew owes a ton in gambling debts that will mean a knee if he is lucky; Samir’s debtors want payment yesterday or they will test the resistance of his joints, other hitmen who want a windfall profit; and of course those incompetent thieves Bobby and Lloyd. Everyone seeks Karen who has disappeared with the money.

This is a zany out of control crime caper in which the twists are actually missteps by the competitors. No one comes across as particularly likable as everyone is pulled by avarice and most have the IQ of the Three Stooges. Still fans of Leonard style wackiness will enjoy paraphrasing President Reagan TRUST ME since I’m not government I’m here to help you; that is after I kill you.

Harriet Klausner

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